No time for a Christmas letter this year, so the following conversation as Grayson and I put
together the nativity scene will have to serve as your 2006 glimpse into
our household:
"Why does Jesus have to keep getting borned all the time, Mom?"
"He isn't born every year, honey. Christmas is Jesus' birthday. We give
gifts on Christmas to celebrate the day that Jesus was born."
"And because Santa comes!"
Insert here a long parental narrative of the Christmas story and the
miraculous birth of Jesus and it's meaning to all mankind, as well as
the sound of me patting myself on the back afterwards for being such a
good parent. Followed by silence from Grayson. And then, as he examines
the baby Jesus figurine:
"You know, this baby doesn't look a thing like Santa, Mom."
/May the miracle of Christmas overwhelm you this year!/