Grayson's Halloween costume arrived from Jedi headquarters (aka Grandma's house) last week with strict instructions for Jedi training (Grandma can work "eat your vegetables" into just about anything). Since then, dressing up has turned into serious business. All smiles disappear when the robe has been donned. I suggested that he try wearing it while doing his homework so that he could think "just like a Jedi." I was sharply corrected, "It isn't 'like' a Jedi, Mom. I AM a Jedi."
I was extra glad when Halloween morning arrived with yawns and stretches and (before even opening his eyes) this quip, "I've got three words for you, Mom: Trick. Or. Treat." The highlight of the holiday was definitely the light saber battle which took place between Obe Wagner Kenobee and Darth Mills Vader on the front lawn.
Lucie caught on to the trick or treat routine right away. There was no need to carry a sack from house to house; the candy never made it off the front porch. She popped them straight into her mouth, wrapper and all, and then took off waving her arms and screaming "More tick! Tank oo! More tick! Tank oo!" to the next house. One family sent a representative to hand out candy at the door while the rest finished up dinner at the table. Our hungry little lady bug used the candy mob as a distraction to bypass the door guard, gain entry and inspect the dinner offerings instead. If only she would've stuck with the sack, she might've gotten away with the pot roast. Next year we'll work on the car keys.