I asked Grayson to share with me what he knew about Martin Luther King, Jr. "Martin Luther King, Jr. was really nice. He didn't want to fight or have wars or anything. He just wanted to be nice. But there were ghosts who didn't like him, and they didn't want him to have a parade. But he had a parade anyways, which was the right thing to do, just like when that lady, Rosa Parks, do you know her? She wouldn't give up her seat on the bus even though the bus driver asked her to and called the police. That was the right thing to do, too, because some people used to steal other people and them sell them! How can they be so stupid? Some of the people got away and used the Little Dipper to follow an underground railroad to a house where they would be safe. I REALLY want to go on that railroad sometime! And some kids had to go to school really far away from their house just because they were white. Isn't that stupid, too? So the police took Martin Luther King, Jr. to ja...