One of the pediatric dentists here in town is offering gold coins to children in exchange for each pound of their Halloween candy. The thought of this has been haunting Grayson. Children being forced to part with their precious trick-or-treat booty? Irrational!
We are now 20-days post-Halloween and still talking about it. Out of the blue, he asked me in the car yesterday, "Mom, what do you think that dentist is going to do with all of the candy?"
"I think I heard that he is sending it to the troops in Iraq," I replied.
"Oooooh!" he said, like the light bulb had finally switched on. "So the chocolate can make the soldiers all wild?"
"Maybe," I laughed.
"And the candy will make their teeth all rotten and when they see a bad guy all they'll have to do is smile at him with their rotten teeth and he'll faint!"