You may have seen me running at the State Street Family Mile today. I was not one of the sports bra show-offs. Nor were my buns sporting spandex bikini bottoms. That was me in the baggy t-shirt, hiding behind the jogger. But I did it! Ran the whole thing, and even had breath left to climb back up State Street and retrieve the car. The best part? surprised me at the run with a "Lucy" gift certificate for new workout clothes! So with a little help from Core & Beyond, Lucy, and, I'll now look good from the inside out. Whether or not I'll choose to wear my new bun huggers out in public, well, that is an entirely different matter.
You may have seen me running at the State Street Family Mile today. I was not one of the sports bra show-offs. Nor were my buns sporting spandex bikini bottoms. That was me in the baggy t-shirt, hiding behind the jogger. But I did it! Ran the whole thing, and even had breath left to climb back up State Street and retrieve the car. The best part? surprised me at the run with a "Lucy" gift certificate for new workout clothes! So with a little help from Core & Beyond, Lucy, and, I'll now look good from the inside out. Whether or not I'll choose to wear my new bun huggers out in public, well, that is an entirely different matter.