Lucie's new found walking skills leave her hands free for all sorts of mischief, including (but not limited to): hiding mommy's mascara in the bottom of the Kleenex box, unrolling the toilet paper, hanging on the kitchen tablecloth to see what falls down, and multiple attempts to climb out of the highchair. Another mother recently assured me that this determination will serve Lucie well as an adult. If she makes it there.
My picture of hell: one soggy rainy day, two healthy energetic children, three solid days of DVDs, one dog that needs to pee but refuses to get wet, and me. Alone with the carnage and contracted to get 4 hours of work done. And just to frost the cake, Lucie can take off her pooy diaper now, which delights us all, but especially the dog, to no end. These days it is sort of a toss up for who has left the pile on the carpet. Lucie? Dog? The fact that it landed on top of a princess high heel is good indication the culprit was of the two-legged, shoe-loving, Oreo-eating variety, which makes it only slightly less disgusting to remove behind a 28-ply Kleenex. Pray for sunshine.