We lost a member of the family today. Harry the fish was under close supervision for suspicious behavior; his swimming and eating just lacked the usual joie de vive. Unfortunately, we discovered that a 24-hour hold (to use one of Rob's old ambulance terms) on a fish is a slippery matter, and the ordeal ended in tragedy. Harry Fish was discovered on the kitchen floor, not a flop or a flip left in his little blue body. Brief funeral services were conducted and a few post-flush tears were shed for "the goodest fish in the whole wide world."
Lucie has suddenly started questioning things. And by things, I mean eternal things. It all started when she asked if I would read her a bedtime story from the Bible storybook. The book opens innocently enough with the story of creation. There are lions and tigers and bears, and naked people being created from dust. (At this point in the story you’d think questions would arise, but no, kids just seem to go along with it at face value. Which is exactly the reason I've had to work so hard to convince Lucie that turtleneck shirts are not actually made from the necks of turtles.) Anyways ... "Do you know why Adam and Eve are sad?" I asked, pointing at the picture of them sorrowfully leaving the garden. "I sure do, " Lucie assured me. "They are sad because they don't have any parents." Impressive, huh? Clearly, she’d been processing and following along. "Well there is that," I prodded her, "and also they have to leave the ...
I wish I could buy stock in your kid's future therapist.