6:11 p.m. - Robbie gives Grayson's top loose tooth a tug. Tooth pops right out. The first one!
6:12 p.m. - Grayson bleeds through a paper towel.
6:15 p.m. - Grayson vomits on the kitchen floor.
6:16 p.m. - Janice vomits in the backyard.
2:23 a.m. - Grayson wakes the household up with celebratory high-fives; he found $5 under his pillow!
2:35 a.m. - Grayson wakes the household up with his sobs; he wants his tooth back.
3:22 a.m. - Still sobbing.
6:50 a.m. - Hey! There is still $5 under the pillow, AND the missing tooth! That clever fairy...